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Nu știți cum să explicați în limba engleză unui client „TVA amânat la plată”, activați în domeniul feroviar și trebuie să discutați despre tipurile de ecartament în limba engleză, nu știți cum să explicați „economii de scară” în limba engleză, nu știți cum să traduceți „executor judecătoresc” sau o anumită clauză într-un contract, doriți să negociați un contract în limba engleză, vreți să vă promovați serviciile și doriți să învățați și să aplicați strategii de digital marketing pentru firma dvs de agribusiness ...? 

Am colaborat cu instituții și companii din toate domeniile și oferim servicii de consultanță în limba engleză la sediul dumneavoastră sau online via e-mail și Skype, dacă nu sunteți în București. Sună la 0722.841.053 și vă oferim răspunsuri la toate întrebările în cel mai scurt timp!

Vă așteptăm și la sau



  • TAX ABATEMENT = a reduction in the amount of tax that a business would normally have to pay in a particular situation, for example to encourage investment
  • MARGINAL BENEFIT = An increase in an activity’s overall benefit that is caused by a unit increase in the level of that activity, all other factors remaining constant. Also called marginal utility.
  • GROSS PAY = The total of an employee’s regular remuneration including allowances, overtime pay, commissions, and bonuses, and any other amounts, before any deductions are made.
  • WORKFLOW DIAGRAM = A workflow diagram is a visual representation of a business process (or workflow), usually done through a flowchart. It uses standardized symbols to describe the exact steps needed to complete a process, as well as pointing out individuals responsible for each step. The “workflow” as we know today can be traced back to two American mechanical engineers, Henry Gantt and Frederick Wilson Taylor. Both were known for their contributions towards the development of scientific management.
  • WORKFLOW = the way that a particular type of work is organized, or the order of the stages in a particular work process.
  • DISCRETIONARY ACCOUNT = A securities account created when a client gives a partner, director or qualified portfolio manager of a Participating Organization specific written authorization to select securities and execute trades on the client’s behalf.
  • Flat fee = an amount that is charged or paid that does not change according to the amount of work done, or the number of times something is used.
  • Convertible security = a type of share, bond, etc. that can be exchanged for another type of share.
  • Financial technology = the business of using technology to offer financial services in new and better ways. 
  • Welfare state = a system that allows the government of a country to provide social services such as healthcare, unemployment benefit, etc. to people who need them, paid for by taxes.
  • Grafter = a hard worker.
  • Bull market = a time when the prices of most shares are rising.
  • Bear Market = A market in which stock prices are falling.
  • A letter of interest is a letter you send to your target company letting them know that you’re interested in working with them and seeing if there are any potential job opportunities that match up with your skill set.
  • Soap box = a box or crate used as a makeshift stand by a public speaker. 
  • Horse trading = clever, and often difficult, discussions in which people or organizations try to make a business arrangement, and each tries to get something more favourable to them.


  • Discretionary Account = A securities account created when a client gives a partner, director or qualified portfolio manager of a Participating Organization specific written authorization to select securities and execute trades on the client’s behalf.
  • Book Value = (also known as net book value) is the total estimated value that would be received by shareholders in a company if it were to be sold or liquidated at a given moment in time. It calculates total company assets minus intangible assets and liabilities. Book value is a metric that helps analysts and investors evaluate whether a stock is overpriced or underpriced when compared to the company’s actual fair market value, an estimate of the price for which the company could be sold. Net book value can be very helpful in evaluating a company’s profits or losses over a given time period.
  • A going concern = a business that is operating and making a profit.
  • Tax threshold = the level of income or money earned above which people or companies must pay tax, or must pay a higher rate of tax (the level of income above which you start to pay tax).
  • Tax base = the total ​value of all the ​income, ​property, etc. on which ​tax is ​charged:
  • Dole = the money that the government gives to people who are unemployed.
  • Trial balance = in double-entry bookkeeping, the act of adding the credit and debit columns of all accounts to check that they are equal in order to show that the accounts are correct.
  • Goodwill = the value to a company or organization of things that cannot be directly measured, for example, its good reputation or its customers' loyalty.
  • Salvage value is a tool used in accounting to estimate the value that a tangible asset can be sold for when it has reached the end of its useful life – in short, what the asset can be salvaged for when a company can no longer make viable use of it. The salvage value is used to determine annual depreciation in the accounting records, and salvage value is used to calculate depreciation expense on the tax return.
  • Revenue anticipation note = in the US, a type of bond used to get money for a public project, such as building a road or school. The bond is paid back with money received from users of the road, etc. when it is finished. 
  • Tax threshold = the level of income or money earned above which people or companies must pay tax, or must pay a higher rate of tax (the level of income above which you start to pay tax).


  • Lettershop = a company that is paid by other companies to send letters and advertisements to large numbers of people:
  • Copy test = a test of the effectiveness and appeal of an advertisement with purchasers, consumers, or an audience obtained for the test.
  • BTL - below-the-line marketing = relating to advertising, such as trade shows and direct mail, which communicate more directly with customers and are less expensive than television and newspaper advertising.
  • ATL - above-the-line marketing = relating to advertising on television, in newspapers, on the internet, etc. rather than to other ways of telling people about a company or product. 
  • Dog and pony show = a presentation made by an advertising agency, prospective employee, etc., to demonstrate the qualifications required to excel at a given assignment.
  • Display ad = a large colourful advertisement that is designed to attract people’s attention: A display ad, also known as a banner ad, is a form of online paid advertising that is typically a designed image or a photo and copy. 
  • Markdown = a reduction in price to promote increased sales.STEP analysis (also known as PEST analysis) looks at sociological, technological, economic and political factors in the market environment on a macro level – often looking at a particular country or region. The relationship between the company and these factors is indirect.

Pentru mai mulți termeni de engleza pentru afaceri, engleza financiară, engleza pentru marketing și publicitate, engleza pentru agribusiness, engleza feroviară, vă rugăm să accesați blogul nostru:


  • GENERAL DENIAL = a statement in an answer to a lawsuit or claim by a defendant in a lawsuit, in which the defendant denies everything alleged in the complaint without specifically denying any allegation. It reads: “Defendant denies each and every allegation contained in the complaint on file herein,” or similar inclusive language.
  • METES AND BOUNDS = (meets and bounds) –  surveyor’s description of a parcel of real property, using carefully measured distances, angles and directions, which results in what is called a “legal description” of the land, as distinguished from merely a street address or parcel number. Such a metes and bounds description is required to be recorded in official county records on a subdivision map and in the deeds when the boundaries of a parcel or lot are first drawn.
  • MARITIME LAW = Also called “admiralty law” or “the law of admiralty,” the laws and regulations, including international agreements and treaties, which exclusively govern activities at sea or in any navigable waters. In the United States, federal courts have jurisdiction over maritime law.
  • MAIL BOX RULE = n. in contract law, making a written offer or acceptance of offer valid if sent in the mail, with postage, within the time in which the offer must be accepted, unless the offer requires acceptance by personal delivery on or before the specified date.
  • TAX ABATEMENT = a reduction in the amount of tax that a business would normally have to pay in a particular situation, for example to encourage investment
  • MARGINAL BENEFIT = An increase in an activity’s overall benefit that is caused by a unit increase in the level of that activity, all other factors remaining constant. Also called marginal utility.
  • GROSS PAY = The total of an employee’s regular remuneration including allowances, overtime pay, commissions, and bonuses, and any other amounts, before any deductions are made. 
  • MANPOWER PLANNING = the process of deciding how many people will be needed for a particular job or project, and how they should be used:
  • SAFE HARBOR 1.The provision in a law or agreement that will protect from any liability or penalty as long as set conditions have been met. 2. A mechanism against a non-hostile take over bid where a company will acquire a firm that has many regulations and restrictions that now make it less attractive to take over.
  • PACKET INTERNET GOPHER (PING) = PING, as it is commonly known is a technique that is used to check out the response time of any internet connection. A request is sent to any website and then a timer records the time elapsed till a reply is received. For users, PING is not directly available as per the Internet protocol.
  • C CORPORATION (C CORP) = A corporation in the United States that, for Federal income tax purposes, is taxed under and Subchapter C ( et seq.) of Chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code. A C corporation may also be subject to a separate Federal income tax called the Alternative Minimum Tax.
  • DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER is a term that is used to describe when a false statement is written or spoken about an individual with the intent of harming their reputation. Unfortunately, defamation of character claims are extremely difficult to prove in the court of law despite the fact that they are illegal. However, any lawyer will tell you that as long as the truth is on your side, anything is possible.
  • LEMON LAWS are American state laws that provide a remedy for purchasers of cars and other consumer goods in order to compensate for products that repeatedly fail to meet standards of quality and performance.
  • CONSTRUCTIVE DISCHARGE = When an employee quits a job because working conditions are so intolerable that a reasonable person in the same situation would quit. For purposes of a discrimination or harassment lawsuit, a constructive discharge is like any other tangible employment action.
  • CAFETERIA PLAN = A benefit program in which employees choose from a menu of options, such as health coverage, life insurance, disability insurance, and so on.
  • APPELATE COURT = (also court of appeal, appeals court) court which reviews judgments held by lower courts.

Pentru mai mulți termeni de engleză juridică, vă rugăm să accesați blogul nostru:

De ce noi?

Pentru că am creat cursuri unice cum ar fi; cursul intensiv de gramatica limbii engleze (6 ore), cursul intensiv de Creative Business Writing (6 ore), cursul intensiv de proofreading în engleză (6 ore), cursul de pregătire pentru un interviu în limba engleză (6 ore) și cursul de copywriting în limba engleză
Pentru că toate cursurile noastre sunt unice, fiind personalizate în funcție de specificul fiecărei companii în parte.
Pentru că în fiecare an ajutăm sute de persoane din companii multinaționale să se dezvolte profesional la cursurile noastre specializate de limba engleză.

Personalizează-ți engleza!

Vrei să vorbești în engleză CORECT, să te pregătești pentru un interviu sau un atestat internațional? Scrie-ne la sau ne poți contacta la: 0722.84.10.53.


Să devenim principala sursă de cursuri de limba engleză de specialitate și consultanță în limba engleză pentru companiile din România.

Cum vom face asta?

Prin experiență, profesionalism, prin cursurile noastre unice pe piață (curs intensiv de gramatică, curs intensiv de proofreading, curs de Creative Business Writing și cursul de engleză feroviară) și cu ajutorul bibliotecii noastre digitale creată în 25 de ani de predare. Vă oferim articole, cărți, sinteze de gramatică și orice materiale de studiu care vă sunt folositoare în procesul de învățare al limbii engleze.